My Happy Place: The Home of Beata Heuman
having just returned from dreamy london getaway, it only seems fitting that i share a dreamy london home. this one belongs to a new, but favorite designer beata heuman. i am thoroughly impressed and amazed by all of the unique elements put together in one space.
since i began dabbling in the world of design i have been amazed by how my taste and overall aesthetic has changed. i am sure many of you remember that not so long ago i was completely in love with all things white and scandinavian. i still do, but i also love interiors that incorporate whimsy and the unexpected. beata’s space is beautifully full of both. i like to keep my audience guessing…or at the very least pleasantly surprised.
i should also mention that beata heuman hails from sweden…i remain true to my scando sensibility.
xo mrs. french
via AD