i heart monday.

happy monday!  how were your weekends?  we had a really nice one...we did some serious eating (more like i did some serious eating).  i can currently out-eat my son and my husband put together...so be it.

this list was a really fun one.  i started it and then it seemed to take on a beautiful mind of its own...
i heart this dress.
i heart this plate.
i heart these curtains.
i heart this sandal.

i heart this top.
i heart these tiles.
i heart this ring.
i heart this napkin.
i heart these leggings.
i heart this quilt.
i heart these bow ties.
i heart these wedges.
i heart this butter dish.
i heart this dress.
i heart this travel alarm.
i heart this "tree crystal."
i heart this banner.
i heart this blouse.

i heart these pillowcases.
i heart this dress (thank you michelle for the shop intro).
xo mrs. french