it is quite the day at the french residence! about two years ago i posted about my beloved kitchen ("beloved" because i am a bit nostalgic today). needless to say, i am not a fan. the mister and i are not home improvement specialists...i have big, big ideas but i don't have the skills or large amounts of cash required to hire a the discussion began 2 years ago and stalled. well friends, my nesting has put everything into a full speed mode. the cabinets have been repainted, hardware replaced and countertops and a sink are going in today. my head may pop clear off! the best part is that my sweet husband is going to complete the huge task, but he has help! a real-life carpenter, with real skills! he is the fiance of my real-life effervescent friend kathryn.
silly me, i failed to snap whole kitchen shots before the big redo, but i do have a couple of shots of the sad details...
trust me, the photos are actually way too kind...the project will not be finished today, but i promise to post some photos of some of the details. i may even pop in later today with a progress, so excited! xo mrs. french