
before i had my lu i had managed to have a real life work out routine. i found a gym...not just any gym, the best gym in the entire world. recreate fitness is the only gym i have ever been able to commit to. the lovely couple that own it, the amazing staff, and always exciting/painful workouts keep me coming back for more. however, since having my lu, i have had a tough time getting back into the swing of things...even when it involves the gym of all gyms. anyway, i went back this week and i hurt. i told mr. french this morning that every part of me hurts but my forearms...that's an effective workout and i am horribly out of shape...

then as if by magic i happened to be watching one of my favorites last night. the big challenge consisted of designing activewear for heidi's new line for new hit me: the pain could be lessened if i just had pretty clothes to work out in...seems simple enough...


(how about those workout boots?)

now for some of my personal favorites from lululemon...

wow! i feel more motivated already. xo mrs. french
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