oh my darling clementine (it's too perfect...i had to)...

i heart cassie and her shop, clementine.  i am sure many of you know her and have seen her lovely baubles featured on my monday lists many, many times.  i could actually dedicate a monday to clementine all on its own.  i do so love everything in cassie's sweet shop...which is why this post is longer than most.

i have no editing ability when it comes to clementine...which is fine, because it's my blog and i will decorate it exactly how i would like....so good for you, because i know how precious each piece truly is...

i read that cassie finds inspiration through her childhood collections...i had many of my own, each stone and bit was ever so precious (to me).  the magic is that in cassie's case it is really true; each item is designed around a magical collected bit, a little bit of love shows through in each trinket.  you have to treasure that.  

xo mrs. french