momma needs a princess purse

i have absolutely no problem picking out pretties for this little old blog of mine, but when it comes to real-life shopping, i am far less decisive.  especially when it comes to certain coats, boots and handbags.  i have to say i shop, shop, pro and con these items to death.  which is why many times i end up ditching the whole purchase...the problem this time is that i truly needed a bag.  

i am sure many of you completely understand how a typical handbag takes on new meaning when there is a baby involved.  lu is 15 months and i have gotten to he point where i just have to ditch the diaper bag...i am ready to carry a lady purse.  however, this bag needs to also be able to step it up and take up many of the duties my filthy, discarded diaper bag has for the past 15 months.  ack!  the pressure!

so let's start with gray.  i wanted a beautiful gray bag...

*click on the stars to find these lovely totes








as you can see, i had no problem finding just the right gray bag.  coach, orla, jcrew...oh which one?  this is where my off-the-wall impulsiveness kicked in.  i scrapped all of the classy, supple grays and went with gray's slightly tackier cousin sparkly silver...


silver?  what the?  so i decided on a reasonably priced sparkle bag.  the reason behind this?  i have no idea...the glitter lovin' princess inside me took over and i hit the "purchase" button.  i also think that snazzy silver will hide the fruit puree and milk spills so much better than one of my previous mentioned pricey gray models.  i am so darn practical.  

however, when miss lu is bigger and i no longer need to tote her meals, diapers and clothing changes i am so hitting the pricey, gray, grown-up bag.  perhaps lu can have my princess purse all to herself?  

xo mrs. french

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