a goodbye...

i can't blog pretty today sweet friends.  i try to leave most of my personal, everyday life out of this little space, but on a day like today i just can't.  It doesn't seem honest...

we said goodbye to the fuzziest member of the french clan.  our beloved dog, casey, passed away today.  we had no warning and had been amazed by how healthy and spry our old girl had been...and now she is gone.  we are so lucky to have had her for as long as we did, she was such a gift.  she went from merely a "dog" to a honorary member of our little family in 12 short years and we are all better people because of it.  our children do not know life without our fuzzy mutt, which saddens me greatly...however, I can't help but think that at this sad moment she is still giving, by teaching b a valuable lesson about loss and cherishing memories and moments as they come.  she has enriched our lives in so many ways...we rescued her, but we are the ones who were truly blessed.

goodbye sweet girl (hope you are splashing in that big ocean in the sky; where the snow never melts and the squirrels are slow)...

xo mrs. french


tina will be back tomorrow with one of her stunning creations...

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