bumping into vanessa bruno's beautiful home...
it's funny in the blogging world...you meet lovely people and you actually become interested in who they are and how they are doing; you pop in to check on what they have been up to and they become friends but in a completely new way.
i may be a little kooky but in some respects i feel the same way about lovely places i have been privileged enough to stumble upon. there are certain ones that have a hold on me, vanessa bruno's beautiful home is one of those. i have gotten to know it so well that without seeing text that says so, i can tell it is her beautiful space by a simple photo of one of its nooks or crannies.
which is why i was so thrilled to cross paths yet again in inside/out magazine (such a wonderful current issue)...
yep, still makes me feel all warm and cozy.
i am hoping to pop in later today or maybe this weekend with an extra little post...so please come back for a visit...
xo mrs. french