wee wednesday: play from scratch

i do so love this time of year.  obviously, i love everything about the love, warmth and generosity...but i admit, i get totally geeked out over finding the most amazing stuff for b and lu.  of course, i have nothing against the big-name toys (ok, maybe a little bit against the fact that i, in fact, do spend 1 zillion dollars on toys i get to put together, then lose the directions and end up with a house full of tiny pieces that will never again be worth the 1 zillion dollars i had orignally spent).  however, the fact is that for the past 3 days b and lu have been playing like little angels...they have been building forts, stealing all of my tape and emptying out all of my boxes; which i find perfectly acceptable because they are completely engaged, in love with one another and so flipping creative that my mind is blown.  which is why i literally almost fell over when i saw this:

stuff to engage the brain, imagination, and all things good...an added bonus?  it's all theirs.  play from scratch toys encourage children (actually everyone!) to make things from anything.  play from scratch has developed recyclable raw materials kits and games focused on the benefits of open-ended freestyle play for both children and adults.

soooo, what's the story...how did the play from scratch's founder come up with his masterpiece?  i love this part so much:

"Founder Jeff Freeland Nelson was inspired to start Play from Scratch by a gift he received from his parents when he was just 8 years old. “I was always inventing things around the house using whatever materials I could get my hands on,” said Nelson, founder and CEO of Play from Scratch. “For my birthday my parents gave me a cardboard box full of string, wire and tape, challenging me to create even more. It was the best present of my childhood. Now that I’m a dad, I want to do the same thing for my kids, and hopefully millions of other kids, by launching Play from Scratch.

more importantly, why didn't i think of this?  how come i didn't come up with the tube of tubes or the world famous box of boxes?  oh, wait a minute, i didn't have to because jeff did. 


 i can't wait until my bubs get their mitts on this!  xo mrs. french
