wee wednesday with lindsay of darling clementine: a parent's love
I am madly in love with parents that are visibly in love with their kids, there's nothing sweeter than catching that moment of love between a parent & child. The stolen kiss at the playground, the faces filled with joy at the sight of each other and the infectious giggles when parents scoop up their littles and bury them in a heap of tickles. It's a beautiful thing. These photos remind me of what a pleasure parenting can be.
It's been a tough week in our house, I was sick with a monster cold, (being pregnant means it's WAY worse than any normal cold, lingers longer and there really isn't anything I can take for it), my husband has been super busy at work and our little Juliette started Pre-K so it's been a bit overwhelming around here. This week I sought out photos to calm me, bring a smile to my face and remind of the joys of parenting. I feel better just looking at these, don't you?
1. The sweet Davis family, photo originally from Love Taza