just right
you know how it is...you have something in your head and you need to find it. ok, maybe you don't...i am talking about me here. the reason i started this little old blog and became full-on pinterest fanatic was due to my need to find and collect things...whether it be a particular item, interior, artist, photographer, or something as simple as just the right sweater. these blog posts you see before you are a result having to find and collect just the right thing. for instance, today i am feeling inspired by the light blanket of snow that covering my surroundings this morning and by the fact that i that i am beginning to feel that tiny spark of holiday spirit. i knew i wanted to find an interior today that encompass these very same things...
with the help of hus & hem, i do believe i have accomplished my goal...
this swedish mountain retreat meets all of my criteria. reclaimed timber, stone, and bits of red here and there...right down to that lovely fireplace! i can almost smell the fresh pine and gingerbread.
xo mrs. french
thank you trendland!