blissful eats with tina jeffers: Grapefruit, carrot, ginger juice

It's that time of year.  You know the one where we all make tons of resolutions that last about a week and then we go right back to our familiar bad habits.  I've always been reluctant to voice my resolutions because I hate the fact that I tend to fail miserably at them.  However I did manage to kick a 25 year caffeine habit a few years ago by replacing my usual beverages of choice with a month of juicing.

Since I'm not big on eating breakfast I do like to start my morning with a fresh juice.  It keeps hunger at bay, gives me enough energy for my workout and sets me up to eat healthier during the rest of the day.  Carrot juice is one of my very favorites and this time of year the citrus is bountiful at the market so I thought I'd share one of my favorite blends with you.  You can make this in a blender if you don't have a juicer available, just use one carrot and add 1/2 cup of water or coconut water to thin out the mixture.  Alternatively you could use 1 cup of carrot juice and blend it with the grapefruit and ginger.

I am seriously feeling my 43 years of age when it comes to my metabolism and weight.  It's been getting increasingly easy to put on a few pounds and much harder to take them back off.  So to inspire me and keep me on the right path I'm posting a recipe everyday in the month of January on my blog at  There will be lots of new dishes as well as some old favorites but they will all be based on whole foods, with no processed or artificial ingredients.  So if you are also in need of a little resolution inspiration be sure to visit me!

Grapefruit, carrot, ginger juice




1 grapefruit, peeled

2 medium carrots, peeled

1/2 inch piece of peeled ginger

squeeze of lime juice


Process all the ingredients through a juicer and stir to combine.  Serve chilled or over ice if desired.

Alternatively blend, 1 grapefruit, 1 carrot, 1/2 cup coconut water or water with the ginger and lime in a blender.

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