cronulla residence by amber road

Est-Magazine-Amber-Road-Front i am here, i am here! the frenches went on a nice mid-week trip off the grid...literally, no service of any kind. of course, upon my return i could not wait to plug-in to show you this awesome home designed by amber road interior design and landscape architecture. amber road is comprised of sisters, katy svalbe and jasmine ghoniem and i do have to share a bit of their philosophy since it is so in line with everything i have been thinking lately:

ENGAGE We create places which feed the five senses; a seamless, holistic design experience. We are not about fads or fashion. Always, our aim is to make design that encourages people to be the very best they can be.

i love the idea of working with a designer that can bring out the true potential of a client. helping an individual pin down what he or she truly loves. i always feel like i have about a million ideas of how i want my surroundings to look, but have a tough time with the edit.

clearly, i could use some from help of these gals.

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yet again, feeling a bit bogged down my clutter in my current surroundings and i have the sudden urge for a swim.

xo mrs. french

via est

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