Hazukashi House

007-hazukashi-house-alts-design-office to me the simple outline of the stereotypical house conjures up so many things: warmth, family, love...basically the feeling of coming home. which is why my jaw dropped when i happened upon this space by alts design office.

001-hazukashi-house-alts-design-office 004-hazukashi-house-alts-design-office 003-hazukashi-house-alts-design-office 006-hazukashi-house-alts-design-office 011-hazukashi-house-alts-design-office 005-hazukashi-house-alts-design-office

i love how the entire home seems to be centered around bringing family together. yet another example of how less is more...it is apparent that there is not an over abundance of empty space, but the space that there is is done impeccably.

i cannot describe how thrilled i am that i am finding more and more examples of pairing back...whether it be in the spaces we live or the items we fill those spaces with or what we choose to clothe ourselves in. a breath of fresh air...

xo mrs. french

via april and may
