a spanish-style home in los angeles

main.original.980x550i am less than technologically competent...this whole world blogging is perfectly lovely until i have a day where everything goes completely nuts and i have no idea how to fix it. thank goodness i know folks who do speak code and can set everything straight...long way of saying, i am back. i am back and so thrilled to share this beyond stunning home. this space belong to celebrity hair stylists mara roszak and alex polillo and i am completely in love. i am not sure i need an explanation as to why...

main-2.original.980x550main-3.original.980x550domain 2domain 4 domain 3 domain 1of course the dark floors and white walls are always a favorite, i am also loving the dramatic bathrooms i continuously have been running into. perhaps, deep dark walls in the bathroom is the perfect way to add just a bit of color (baby steps people). i have to say my favorite amongst a home full of favorites would have to be those windows! oh my...

i told you it is that good...

xo mrs. french

via domaine