shop love...wilson and willy's neighbor goods

MNstore i have never really discussed my midwest of my favorite spots to set up camp french was minneapolis/st. paul. we were happy to reside there for a little over 5 years...which is when the mister got the hankering to pack up and head west.

my sis/business partner still lives in st. paul...which you would think would be an excellent visit to head out east for a visit. that and the chance to pop into a new shop she has been raving about, wilson & willy's neighbor goods. yet another shop dedicated to beautiful, timeless, well and responsibly made goods. these goods are made by some of my favorites: hackwith, susan connor new york and faribault woolen mill too name a few.

reminds me of another shop i know.

i am pretty sure i didn't need an extra reason, but nice to have one regardless.

xo mrs. french