kieran kinsella

KieranKinsella_12.14_3 i fell in love this morning. kieran kinsella's wood stump stools have stolen my heart. each is obviously a work of art, and i swear has a personality all of its own.

kieran carefully selects locally sourced pieces of wood and begins trimming bits off with a chainsaw. then moves to chisels and other refining tools to perfect the shape...the shape that has been waiting to come out. finally, he treats them with oils to bring out the stunning grain of the some cases there are other finishing processes, such as a blow torch...

WingbackChair KieranKinsella_12.14_2 KieranKinsella_12.14_4 KieranKinsella_12.14_11kieren is a sculptor and his stools are works of art...

and as i mentioned before, i am fully in love.

xo mrs. french
