friday pins


ryan pelt

pinterest, for me, has been a reflection of my aesthetic. often times i am surprised by themes i tend to bump into...but also i am amazed by how set in my ways i truly am. often times i find it hard to explain this evolving aesthetic of mine. over the years, i have come to see pinterest is a way to share this when words fail me.

for instance, images such as these...greens and various shades of pinkish terra-cottas...apparently, i have been busy pinning this color combination for quite some time. i know why. i find this combination to be tranquil and refreshing.

this is the beauty of pinterest...the most amazing way to brainstorm and collect; i can now take pins i am drawn to and implement them into the design elements i choose to surround myself with.


montse martín luna


giulia bedoni




print available through dot and bo (artist unknown)


justina blakeney 


found on a fyne lyne

actually, upon further examination of my pinterest boards i think it may simply be about the pink and green...definitely more to come.

xo mrs. french