
SFD07038E2D9F944220ABDAECE2CF969083_2200xoften times spaces peek my interest due to the way they make me may have nothing to do with design. it is based simply on a feeling a particular space can stir up inside me. this particular space conjures nothing but calm. the open windows and fresh greens throughout seem to be exactly what i need this beautiful wednesday.

SFDDF1006E4AD694F048E42E0A63F3FC8DE_2200x SFD81D41EAB832E4A0194CA95EE57FED28D_2200x SFD81B514FD0F1844188B311D566FFE15EF_2200x SFD25C66F4725D743CCBA3F1D105CD8D0D1_2200x SFD2BB9663FECAB4DEDB3A17CC0530B8C19_2200x SFD9750FC1603224492823343E1D9BD809D_2200x SFD20C40DBB97774F9DAA85C8388044C408_2200xit's always in the details.

xo mrs. french

via the always exquisite fantastic frank (sadly, i do believe this stockholm home has sold.)