Zady || The Essential Collection

Processed with VSCOcam with c3 preset i had the realization the other day that my wardrobe consists of variations of the same staples: denim, tees or tanks and the rest is icing. i accessorize with jewelry and typically switch between slides and boots. of course when it is cooler i cover my tee/tank with a sweater or favorite flannel and honestly that's about it.

i have shouted from this rooftop of mine that it is all about pairing back and i truly believe i have...especially when you take a peek at my aforementioned wardrobe staples. the base is obviously the most important thing.

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this is how zady came to me...the folks of zady took notice of my corner of the world and together we realized that we value the same things: beautiful, timeless, pieces created in the best possible way. the zady essential tee has quickly become my all important base. the softest organic cotton, combined with the perfect fit and there you go...quite possibly the perfect t-shirt.

needless to say, i am proud to share this amazing brand with all of you.

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of course, it is in the helps when the details are created in the most responsible manner; a USDA organic cotton t-shirt that is safely and expertly grown, harvested, ginned, baled, spun, knit, cut, sewn and dyed in the USA.

oh and did i mention, these details are also incredibly soft and so nice looking.

items in the zady essential collection move fast...the best way of being the first to the show is to get your name on their list.

xo mrs. french