Havstad Hat Co. for Imogene + Willie
i get it. this world i choose to surround myself in on a daily basis is overflowing with talent, inspiration and magical folks so full of both.
as of late, one of my favorites introduced me to a local gal that i am in complete awe of...the ridiculously talented cate havstad. a hatter up to her eyeballs in talent and tradition. a few weeks back i went to a local event celebrating her talent and the talent of a few others: a screening of the handmade movement (which also deserves a post or two). ms. havstad was at the screening, along with a few of her hats. i had the privilege of meeting cate and wearing one of her masterpieces for a bit....needless to say, a huge impression was left.
sooooo you can imagine how thrilled i was this week to lay eyes upon a collaboration involving cate havstad and another mrs. french favorite, imogene + willie.
behold the result of this pairing: havstad hat co. for imogene +willie
why don't i have one yet? ridiculous!
xo mrs. french