The Photography of Jeff Stanford

Red Currants

you could say that photography is responsible for this blog of mine. actually, this gal inspired me in so many many ways that i had to shout it from the rooftops. when my voice became strained from all the shouting, i decided the best way to share my newfound inspiration would be to start a blog. bliss was born. from blogging to photography...i dabbled a bit, then a lot...then life happened and i had to take a step back from my beloved camera. i rarely shoot anymore, but my love and this overflowing inspiration can be easily conjured when i bump into particularly beautiful photograph. i feel that inspiration when i peruse the photography of jeff stanford...i feel it in the pit of my stomach. in a good way.

Grainy Fritillaria

Sepia Toned Hydrangea Textured

Entwine Thyself

Glass & Shadows

Suspended Tulip in Fading Light of Winter

Freesia Fading

Euphorbia leuconeura - Tones Of Blues On Paper

Ranunculus Imperfectus VII

Frozen Dahlia

xo mrs. french