Country Mouse...

homephoto by michael graydon

my children attend a school out in the country. my husband and i have made it a ritual to make the drive together in the morning and often times wander...wandering has quickly turned to dreaming of a life out in the middle of it.

i am a huge contradiction...give me the big city or the country, it's the in-between i struggle with.

i have yet to try this whole country thing, but believe i am so ready at this point in my life...some believe if you put it out there, it may truly find you...

images like these do nothing but push me further...

lemarche-4via herschel supply co. journal
10403488376_9b92404ca1_bphoto by nicole franzen
tumblr_mz0fozqKfV1qaoq5ho1_1280photo by nich hance mcelroy
3314809bb9eecd11f69dc94ce27a6d09photo by molly yeh
8495d4ed65f2448127a178301dadc634photo by lincoln barbour for jessica helgerson
0ba4066e74190b322ca46711aa72c660source unknown
tumblr_m3qipdd4i11r520pso1_1280via poppet penn
700_walnuts-farm-shedvia gardenista

there. it's out there.

xo mrs. french