It's been at least a week...

SFD2693F658E95049919CE38DB2C6862342 goodness! it has been at least a couple weeks since i had the pleasure of sharing a bright scandinavian interior with all of you. i feel as if i can remedy the situation today. who doesn't love thonet, original crown molding and perfectly worn floors? i can't think of anyone.

SFDD27858D8465D46D89C8D1B3DBCA7DC04 SFD783B6A04B94944808853937630F871F4 SFD3739D5396DAC4A5498C7540873C6BD65 SFDB5119612860C44248438BA297C7612F4 SFD0B314DAA45044A95B72DCFADD3C918B6 SFD5FC72AFF391C4C3688E72377D4BBEE26 SFD07E3D2889BA9499D812D21644E7C938E SFD6823B23689034AE6B000FB6EFC011D26 SFDFBD2ECCCE01648DE8443DBA6FA99CD1C SFD25AC29C8DCA04D14A2EB6876150609AE SFDF774D2D0FBFB43CF83FAEEB984FF4545 SFD2C2617A1A3D440DE8D6D6D136B28B949 SFD82A90776E69E49C898C9ADCCFB91D507 SFD0193C9BD9BCD484FB73DB0C954512CE3 SFDEA9640B8373B43C887980748D2202FC7

also, what is it about radiators? truly, i miss the hiss sometimes...

xo mrs. french

via the alway lovely coco lapine

photos by Jonas Berg source Stadshem