My Kind of Winter Dinner Party...

T.French-32 I often think of the French family as the ultimate dinner party guests; we come bringing a few laughs and a huge amount of gratitude for the generous invitation. However, we live in a community where I began to feel the desire to reciprocate…which means I cannot get bogged down in the details. Details, for me, often cause me to back out. The solution? The dinner party that is completely simple and beautiful at the same time; a warm setting, with an Italian theme and we are set.

Winter in Oregon this year is no joke, so warmth is definitely the theme. Plenty of candles, a fire, and comfort food are the key ingredients.


Seasonal produce seems to fit the theme of warmth perfectly…perfect for a salad or as part of an easy centerpiece, playing off of the candlelight beautifully.




Simple charcuterie and a salad brimming with winter fruits and veggies are a no-brainer this type of year.


The entrée on the other hand never ceases to stump me. The goal is always something that tastes delicious, but doesn’t take all day long to prepare…

This time around I went with Bertolli and am so happy I did. I served up two Bertolli Entrées: Chicken Florentine with Farfalle and Italian Sausage with Rigatoni. A delicious entrée could not be easier…a few minutes in a skillet and everything is set.


The little ones simply couldn’t wait, so we fed them first…


We quickly cleaned up after the kiddos and effortlessly moved into a dinner party perfect for the parents. The children were off eagerly waiting for desert while we prepared our second round of Bertollie Entrées…and because they whip up so quickly, eating in shifts worked out perfectly.






How do you finish up the perfect dinner on a cold winter night? We all came together for s’mores!






I could get used to this whole dinner party thing. Thank you Bertolli for effortlessly delicious entrées and taking the stress out of entertaining. This allows me to remain focused on what truly matters…friends, family, and simply enjoying the company of one another.

I am thrilled to also share another dose of inspiration on our virtual table on pinterest.

xo Mrs. French

Photography by the ever-talented Veronica Bahns

Setting courtesy of my dear friend Jennifer Renton


This post is brought to you by Bertolli. Don't just eat, Mangia!