I Would Stay There...The Alex Hotel.

Reception_Alex_Hotel_250515_79308-e1434526881264 i have yet to have the pleasure of visiting australia. it's on my list. actually, it is on the tippy-top of my list...if i make it there, i would love to reside in perth. once in perth i am hoping to stay at the alex hotel. initially that perfect green obviously caught my attention...the common spaces and rooms have me wishing i could linger for awhile...

alex-hotel-remodelista-1-768x653 alex-hotel-remodelista-10-768x507 Mezzanine_Level_Alex_Hotel_250515_793411-e1434526726910 Reception_Alex_Hotel_250515_79268-e1434526798944 Reception_Alex_Hotel_250515_79119-e1434527029875 AlexHotel-33831-e1434527238788 AlexHotel-30761-e1434697791148 Mezzanine_Level_Alex_Hotel_250515_79452-e1434527609294 arent-pyke-alex-hotel-24 Level_2_Corridor_Corridor_Alex_Hotel_250515_78731-e1434527440389 Room_404_Alex_Hotel_250515_798191-e1434527997242 arent-pyke-alex-hotel-9 arent-pyke-alex-hotel-8 Room_402_Alex_Hotel_250515_79557-e1434529743435

these "i would stay there...posts" have me itching like crazy to travel. i am happy to say i have a few trips planned and a few "i did stay there...posts" in the works.


xo mrs. french