39d5f9ce4287704293022d1fac45e550 i am in awe of tyler hays and his bddw. tyler began as a sculptor and painter, and builder and engineer. he uses his multiple talents build furniture that is nothing short of a work of art. tyler uses wood, metal, glass, upholstery and leather to construct pieces unlike any other.

i would be happy to house one of each in this little house of mine and then would love to pass them down to my children when they have grown.

"heirloom" comes to mind over and over again.

ed2a5ace62b62881702a7be5612080f2 ad6c3be937b7ff35a592bdac0bb90c3f 37f9499ed995140a645dfb37547eefd2eeb091af94a03d347ded9dce972b2ac51e8f22e3d5cb00ff2480f32da97249c1aaf044edf629305535a890f7be94d064 ca9e45c3110ce9edae8d3798f313a17e 5932e61223d39778751c856038d6894f 8971f628ffd471f251602b4c5d174d50 a4359145927942f3667f23309fc38285 aa5179ef812b26622fa66e7776ac798f a446a9f551b0e46f30a986cda1de7328 0b162f77948ffb217675d42fc36e7db5 a1b24f5db66fad7a4792e78d0183cd77 6943e0578f3fb4b119b98a2fb2106133 365c1798098a231af1e0514a15eaa553

bddw has showrooms in new york and milan.

xo mrs. french

via: the poetry of material things

source: bddw