Fiddle Leaf

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the french family fiddle leaf

"fiddle leaf fig." how can you not love the sound of that? the name of this plant makes me smile, and the look of them has me all weak in the knees. truly it was love at first site. imagine how happy i was to discover my latest home obsession happened to be a lovely leafy houseplant.

i had d to have one...i just didn't know when. then this weekend in preparation for a project (which i am dying to share) called for a big plant. i live in a smallish town so i wasn't sure what i would be able to come up with on short notice. my daugher and i were on a hunt for something acceptable...we popped into our local lowes and there she was...a fiddle leaf. i couldn't be happier with our latest addition.

these images have me inspired all over the place.

deco another ballroomanother ballroom

Screen-2BShot-2B2015-02-15-2Bat-2B5.54.33-2BPMmadewell musings

main.original.640x0cmy domain


Posterclub_Styling_Sofie_Brunner_Photo_Enok_Holsegaard+01blog milk

PF7A1204goods we love

fiddle-leaf-fig-tree1chalkboard mag

happy monday folks!

xo mrs. french