Corners of My Home Captured by Natalie Puls for DWR
you may of noticed that my little corner of the web is conspicuously void of photos taken from my home. which is strange because i spend a great deal of time sharing the homes of others with all of you. today i am changing things up a bit with a few peeks into the french family home...
why the sudden change? i recently had the pleasure of working on a project with one of my very favorites design within reach. i was give a few items to live with and photograph in my real-life setting...truly a dream. of course, i couldn't trust the job of photographer to just anyone...immediately the incredibly talented natalie puls came to mind. she happens to reside in bend as well and i have been a silent fan for quite sometime. she captures moments in her photography...and does so in a way that doesn't shout but speaks eloquently in a truly beautiful way. i am hoping to work with natalie on many future projects as well. please take a long moment to peruse the works of natalie puls...her wedding photography makes my heart skip a beat and long for a wedding redo.
i am thinking a full home tour maybe in order...stay tuned.
xo mrs. french
photography by natalie puls