A High Note...

4904797 i do love ending the week on a high note...i can't think of a higher note than this stunning gothenburg apartment. of course i found it on a beautiful swedish real estate site entrance and of course it is no longer available.

i am still not exactly sure why i am bummed out when i find that spaces such as this are sold...

4904805 4904807 4904801 49048034904817 4904799 4904833 4904855 4904837 4904845 4904765 4904853 4904767 4904815 4904819 4904771 4904775 49047734904781 4904749 4904751 4904757 4904761 4904759 4904755 4904823 4904825 4904829 4904745 4904747

perhaps the next go around?

xo mrs. french