I am running away...

02_stue that's it. i am running away to a cottage...this scandinavian cottage to be precise. i do love my darling offspring and summer is something i look forward to all year round...however, there are days (like this one) where a solo getaway sounds like a dream.

this blog has always been a space to share things i find to be so nice...and in this case, spaces i would be thrilled to run away to...

03_stue 01_spisestue 04_puf 07_sovevaerelse 08_arbejdsplad 09_Tusch_tegninger 10_smukke_krukker 11_koekken 12_patinerede_kar 14_krukker 05_haven

did you see? there is even a spot to blog...perfect.

now if you will excuse me...

i need to participate in a 5-year-old tea party...

xo traci french

via boligliv