Chair Pairs


most of the time i think of myself as much so that my furniture rarely matches (even my dining room chairs are various colors and designs), i pull items from here and there and sort of love my mixed up ways. however, recently i took a big old step, i purchased matching chairs (more on that later) and i do believe images such as these are to blame...

mctageDS-13design sponge
milkdecoration_caravanepalace_17milk decoration
tumblr_n5p5h3hmtS1r4te7io1_1280room porn
tumblr_n14687sMhr1qiz04po1_1280blueberry modern
cocina-integrada-salon-comedor_998x1003_293877b0el mueble

i also thinking that if you truly love something perhaps 2 of that thing can only be better. right? also, strangely enough, this new matching chair thing kind of makes me feel a smidge more fancy...

xo mrs. french