My Happy Place: A London Terraced Home
i absolutely love this late edwardian house in southwest london. in my mind, it seems as if this home has always been this way. i cannot imagine someone taking the time to design or curate it. effortless, is how it appears to me.
i had always wanted to be someone that could trash or give away all that i have and start over. after all new (or new to me) is best right? this space has me thinking the opposite. each piece of furniture, art, and design element seems to had been there from the start or lovingly added through the years. homes that incorporate this type of thoughtful design keep popping up in my feeds and i find myself gravitating towards them more and more.
as always, linger on this post for more than a bit...take in each room and challenge yourself to to find something you adore in each photograph.
xo mrs. french
via living etc.