Unstuck and Little Byrd || Made + Found
helloooooo friends! oh my! it has been so long since my previous revealing post. as i had hoped, the stuck streak has begun to unstick itself. this is due to all of you…friends, family and a readership that i have always been so proud of. your words of encouragement, support and kindness helped me through a bump in the road of life that i had been continually driving over. thank you.
it seemed fitting that after i put my soul to words, one of the conversations i had was with the person i began my blogging/photography journey with. rebekah and i became friends and our boys became first friends. we became inspired by this whole world of design/lifestyle blogs together. we started our blogs around the same time and talked about them and their content on almost a daily basis.
during our recent conversation, we discussed how much we missed the good old days. these days consisted of perusing and stumbling upon inspiration. we shared through photos and words and loved doing so…for me, this seemed natural and beautiful.
rebekah’s blog was always a favorite…she also had a pretty little shop called little byrd. do you remember? i do. i think i may have been her best customer and know that every handmade or vintage item she had in this shop would become a french household favorite.
fast forward to our most recent conversation…rebekah had decided to reopen her magical shop and encouraged me to strip back the world of paid posting and affiliate links and dive headfirst into the place of inspiration i had fallen in love with in the beginning.
and here i am.
i vow to keep this space ad free in every way. every post will be based on sheer inspiration. i will take pride in highlighting homes, art, goods and people that inspire me, just because.
i will also gladly accept submissions and will post based on my love of the items showcased not because these artists, designers, shopkeepers, architects…etc. paid me too. this is a particularly big one for me because as the previous owner of a small business, i know how thrilled i was when someone would shout out loud about wha we had built because they loved it, rather than doing so because we paid them too…especially, when we didn’t have the money to do so…
ok, i know there maybe blow-back here, this mission state is for me. i need it. i need to get organic with what i post…i need the inspiration to come back. if this little corner of the internet decides to grow and posting becomes more of a regular thing, i may have to find a way to sustain it. however, i promise this will not be through ads or paid posts. i also know that some of my favorite bloggers, instagrammers, etc…rely on advertising and sponsored posts to keep up and afloat. it works for them, and they do it beautifully. i, however, am not that person, and have come to learn that about myself these past few weeks…
This brings me to today…the perfect first inspired post. rebekah’s shop…little byrd. it is more perfect than before and still features all of the handmade items and vintage pieces she has become known for, but also features clothing. this gal can pull of a vintage wardrobe better than anyone else…and through little byrd, she shares a few of her secrets. you may also wonder, what about rebekah’s blog? well, little byrd has a journal and it is equally wonderful. oh and you guessed it! all of the beautiful items and photos in this post are taken from little byrd. if you adore something, grab ahold of it quick! items tend to disappear fast!
old friends back in the saddle….i like it.
xo mrs. french