2000 Light Years From Home
© Vladimir Romantsov
hello friends,
i spent the afternoon perusing an amazing photography exhibition at our local art museum. ok, not really. i, actually, found a stunning tumblr site 2000 light years from home (like the rolling stones album) and i got lost for more than a little bit.
the whole site is centered around thought-provoking, provocative and always beautiful vintage photographs. children seem to the main subjects and i haven’t been able to pry myself away. photographs like these have me wanting to capture the seemingly mundane…which would entail dusting off my cameras and film…not such a bad idea actually…
i have taken the time to pull some of my favorites, but this is just a small sampling. do yourself a favor and go get lost in 2000 light years from home. there is also something to be said for tumblr. amongst the weirdness of social media tumblr still seems a bit like the artistic wild, wild west…go.
Boy, Near Cincinnati, Ohio, Photo by John Vachon, c. 1943
Children at Play, Photo by Hiram Maristany, 1965
Sid Grossman, Chelsea, New York, 1938.
℗ Sten Didrik Bellander
Steven Liebman, American (20th century)
“Harvard Men”
c. 1969
Jerome Liebling, Girl, West Side, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1962.
Paolo Pellegrin, Gosha, Las Vegas
by Bob AdelmanPeople’s wall, World’s Fair, New York, 1965
From American Colour 1962-65
Tony Ray Jones
Vivian Maier
New York, 1960s // © Bill Eppridge
Egon Kronschnabel
Interlude, after watching the Fourth of July Parade, Vale, Oregon, 1941
// © Russell Lee
mrs. french