wrong, yet again...
In the past the word "wallpaper" conjured up all types of nasty memories. Memories of my parents yelling at each other, after my sister and I went to bed, while painstakingly trying to properly adhere tacky wallpaper to the wall. I believe the worst part would have to be the fact that once they got it up (straight and bubble-free) it was ugly. I was about 10 years old and even then I knew it was ugly. Since those days, I have avoided any type of wallpaper. To be honest, it wasn't hard because I usually hated the patterns or textures available anyway. Wow have things ever changed.
I am loving what is out there right now. It is beautiful, serene and sophisticated. Here are a few of my favorites. I have yet to commit, because we are planning on moving soon. But when we do, I will be adorning at least one of my rooms in this luxurious stuff (probably the butterflies). I figure that something this fabulous is worth a few arguments with Mr. French and if it is the downfall of our marriage, at least I will be single surrounded by really pretty walls. On second thought, maybe we could just hire it done...
Bask in the loveliness:

and for the kidlets: