Just Go

Not to brag...but I DID, I DID, I DID, I DID!!!!!!!!  Live (Definitely live), up close (ok, maybe not so close) and personal(not quite so personal)!!!!!

Before B we used to go to a lot more live music events.  Which is sad because Portland has such an amazing music scene.  Last night I decided to break my live musicless streak and go to the Swell Season show.  I am so glad I did!  I honestly still get goosebumps thinking about it.  It was so good I could cry (happy tears). Mr. French was not able to attend so I was lucky enough to have a nice date with Rebekah. Not so romantic, but a lovely time nonetheless.

Hard to tell from a YouTube clip, but this rendition of "Into the Mystic" was ridiculously moving.  If this band of fine musicians comes to your town drop everything and go!