I am proud to announce my first 2 part series. The first part consists of my friend Rebekah's sweet work and tomorrow I will post on one of the best stores in Portland: Noun. You will definitely see the connection as the story progresses. Don't lose your head from all this excitement...this is going to be fun!
This series is brought to you by this pillow:
From the beginning:
Mr. French and myself moved to Portland three years ago. We found out we were pregnant the day we unpacked the moving truck. We were going through 2 very exciting and freaking scary things at one time...oh and Mr.French was ditching his current occupation to start something "new" (wonderful planning on both of our parts). Anywho, I was completely crazy with loneliness and hormones. Months later, I had B and was desperate for friends who understood what I was going through, and little buddies for my sweet baby. In my desperation I agreed to a blind friend-date. She had contacted me through a profile I had posted on Urban Mamas (an amazing site here in Portland). Oddly enough, we hit it off immediately through this brave first encounter. I found both the friend for myself and my B that I had been searching for. She has become one of my closest friends and her Oliver is literally B's oldest and dearest buddy. We would be lost without them.
Enough of the mush...I am here to celebrate my darling friend's crazy/wonderful artistic endeavors. Which brings me to the cushion pictured above (took me long enough). This is one of Rebekah's amazing creations. She has a line of luscious fabric lovelies called Little Byrd. I acquired my first piece about 2 years ago and now my collection has grown to an obnoxious amount. Lucky me!
From her signature headbands, recycled cashmere hats, beautiful pouches and now my latest obsession, perfect pillows, the knack she has for picking out dreamy fabric combinations and orchestrating patterns in that cute head of hers is unbelievable. On top of being a mom and having this quaint little company she puts in a couple of hours a week at a wonderful store in Portland called Noun. Noun carries Little Byrd creations. They are so lucky to have found each other. Meant to be.
Rebekah's gorgeous display in Noun. I want to pick it up and move it all to my house.
Some of my girl's displays at noun. Headbands, tissue holders, pencil cases, and pouches...Oh my!
Bask in the sweetness and I will see you tomorrow. Oh and did I mention she has a beautiful blog?