Take a Gander Friday: Susan Lutjen
I love to decorate myself in jewelry. Which is why I am so pleased to introduce Susan Lutjen. I happily stumbled upon her blog about a month ago and was immediately drawn to her beautiful wooden baubles. I love the way the wood and the metal come together to create something oraganically beautiful. Then a few weeks ago I went into my favorite clothing boutique in Portland and was delighted to see Susan's beautiful pieces perfectly laid out in one of Tumbleweed's display cases. I wasn't at all surprised; beautiful shops tend to carry beautiful things. I also realized that I love her other pieces as much as I love the wooden ones I fell so hard for.
Since my first encounter with her blog, then her etsy shop, and up close in my favorite boutique I look at Sulu Design lovelies and feel as if they were made specifically for me.
Oh and a quick side-note...I ran into her a couple of times in Tumbleweed and B thought she was pretty neat. She was kind enough to acknowledge him and his identity as an ant, grasshopper or whatever insect he had chosen to be that day. Kind and talented...we love that!