Voyeurism in a Purely Creep-free way

Mr. French and I have been very, very bad (not bad in a good way either).  Since the beginning of our relationship we have engaged in behaviors I am not proud of.  We purposely would take neighborhood walks in the evening so we could peak in the windows of our favorite homes, hoping to catch a glimpse of the inside (all done from a safe distance on the sidewalk).  I told myself we were just doing research, trying to see if the interiors of the homes in our neighborhood matched up with the exteriors.  Innocent enough, but creepy nonetheless.

I believe that the online blog house tour was created for wackos like us.  It is a far less criminal way to check out the interiors of fabulous homes.  Another plus is that Internet home tours on my favorite design blogs are rarely a disappointment. 

I have compiled a photo montage of some of my all-time favorites...ENJOY!!!

Ohdeedoh!  Nursery Tours:

Apartment Therapy house tours:

All time favorite Domino house tour:

Favorite Cookie mag house tours:

Design*Sponge's Sneak Peek favorites: