Second Chances
I'll admit it, coming up with an "I heart" list every week makes it hard to remember some of my past loves. I am fickle that way. Always looking for the next best thing (remind me to share the Mr. French story). Then just when I feel as if I have forgotten a previous love there will be a reminder. Today that reminder came from Design Sponge. Do you remember these?

The fabric, the design, how they look all snuggled up next to could I have forgotten? I am not quite sure where I had first seen the tiny "hide boxes" but feel as if I have cheated myself since by not taking notice of the other products created my Modern Twist. Everything is fantastic!
I also rarely take the time read the "about" blurbs on a website, since this was my second chance I didn't want to miss a thing. My favorite exert: "The idea is to create products with modern means, using materials or objects in a new way, often combining industry with nature and giving the products an organic feel." Beautiful! I am now wanting everything on the site. Maybe remembering isn't such a good thing...