Can you feel it?

It's actually ironic that I should go to the beach with my parents, considering the beach is one of the things that took me away from them.  We have been in Oregon for 4 years.  Oregon is home to us now (after many tears, and discussions about moving back to Minnesota).  I believe it was the right decision and I honestly could not have said that 8 months ago.  However, when my family leaves to go back to the midwest and B doesn't understand why they can't play just a bit longer, or when he goes upstairs to where they slept....the questions come back.  Does a state filled with everything we appreciate equal home or is it our loved ones?  I think maybe we have two homes...  

So many words to get to the point.  I am sad my mom and dad left (so is B).  However, I love Oregon so much it hurts.  The beach is my geographic soul mate.  On this visit it was the textures that grabbed hold of me.    

Many beach posts to come....Don't say I didn't warn you.....