Roland Bello

It is really no secret; photography is a hobby of mine (actually, obsession or addiction describe it better).  I can't think of many things I like to do more than snap photographs.  One of these would have to be admiring the work of real-life photographers out there.  I get lost in blogs and sites for hours...I love how a certain someone can evoke a mood, instill inspiration or simply take me to a different place or time.

In the past I have profiled photographers that take me to a soft, serene, romantic place.  Tranquility captured by just pushing that sweet little button.  Then there are some of my favorites that conjure up something completely different.  This is the case with Roland Bello.  His photos(to me)encompass a type of perfect grit: sexy, sharp, and poignant, with just enough perfect imperfection.

found via {frolic!}