Hit the lights...

It occurred to me today that I am a cliche'...I am the dreaded neighbor who halls out boxes of slides from the family vacation.  Ack!  Not to worry folks, the Frenches are staying put for a while.  These will be the last vacation pics for quite awhile.  Good for you, not so good for me.

Anyway, these photos were taken on our last evening in Whistler.  Honestly, one of my favorite evenings in my 34 years.  It had rained all day, the little ones were restless (especially our little angel) and we were all a little bit grumpy due to our impending departure.  We decided to check out one of Whistler's many lakes on a whim...thank goodness!  The rain cleared, a rainbow appeared, sea planes landed, moods lifted and giggles and awe were enjoyed by all.  I get chills thinking about it.  These are the memories I dreamed of making when B was a a glimmer...