I heart Wednesday.

tap...tap...tap...is this thing on?  Hello dear friends!!!!  I have missed you all so much.  I can't wait to share photos of my time away and catch up on the lives of all my blogging friends.  So much to do...however, I promise to get on over to your sites too (it may take me awhile, but I'll get there).

I heart winning the most wonderful of giveaways.  I am over the moon over this perfect-for-me letter press.  Simplesong makes me smile all the place.  Thank you dear Suanne!

I heart these pulls.

I heart this "butterfly shirt."

I heart this necklace.

I heart these "clouds."
I heart this platter.

I heart this dress.

I heart this clutch.

I heart these hurricanes.

I heart B's undying love of throwing rocks.

I heart these pillows.

I heart this "licorice" (via Design Sponge).

I heart this teacup.

I heart these purple birdies.

I heart these jeans.

I heart this sofa.

I heart this shoe.