Le Papier Studio
B's birthday comes around and I get a little note from Ms. Vana. She wants my address so she can send him "a little something." I happily obliged....it arrives and I soon see that the "little something" is not at all little. It is big! Big with sweetness, thoughtfulness, sentiment.
I have been obsessed with the sweet silhouettes created by Le Papier Studio since happily stumbling into sweet Vana's blog a few months back. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly I clicked with this fellow momma of a 3-year-old little boy. Her blog became one of those I faithfully visited and looked forward to. I loved getting to know her and her sweet little family. An added bonus was the fact that she had a gift of creating some of the most beautiful stationary and prints I had ever seen. You really should peruse her shop and take in the sweetness.
That Vana, she sent me stationary with B's perfect profile and some special stationary just for me! Why? Because I think she likes me too. Thank you Vana for being a lovely blog friend, and for the most thoughtful of "little somethings."

Lucky B and me: