silos and watertowers

Art is something, for me, that is very personal.  It conjures up different things in different people.  I never can predict how it is going to hit me.  This is what happened this morning.  Perusing the always lovely Design Sponge, I was particularly drawn to a post dedicated to the work of Susan Dwyre of Up in the Air Somewhere.  In that post her beautiful dishes and pitchers are the the big highlight.  Based on those images I had to see more.  Looking through her site...bam!  it hit me!  I stumbled upon her interpretation of silos and watertowers.  I was immediately transported back to my midwest routes and long drives through the prairie.  The occasional watertower or silo were the only things that seemed to break up the endless skyline.  Seeing them now I feel peaceful and all kinds of nostalgic.  

I remember a few years back I was talking to my mom about fantastic mountains and stunning, vast oceans, complaining about the lack of scenery surrounding us and my mom said to me..." It makes me sad that you never learned to love the prairie."  Well guess what ma?  I think I just did. xoxo

mmm...and go figure this gal is based in the lovely midwest.