I heart Tuesday.

B had a wonderful day yesterday...thanks for all the well wishes...xoxo

I heart these lamps.

I heart all the webs this time of year.

I heart this whole outfit.

I heart this sofa.

I heart this dress.

I heart these boots.

I heart these templates.

I heart this denim.

I heart this plate.

I heart these earrings.

I heart these shoes.
< a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_TThziCCPJGQ/SNARXDRgT0I/AAAAAAAAEwM/I9Miuo3tzfc/s1600-h/il_fullxfull.38223415.jpg">
I heart this print.

I heart this tote.

I heart this cozy sweater.

I heart this mug.