just because...trupeach style.
I was visiting one of my favorite blogs a couple of weeks ago and come across the loveliest of ideas...screeech...back up a bit. A while back I posted about "just-because-gifts" and the incredible thoughtfulness behind them and that there really isn't anything much sweeter. Then I run smack dab into this through my friend at Purple Bottle...the sweet miss trupeach.
I was the first to comment on her "sercy" post...lucky me! Oops, then the anxiety started...what do I send? What if no one comments? so I sat on it for a while. Then yesterday it arrived (photos she took, string and sweet, tiny clothes pins to boot):

Wonderful, simple and perfect. Trupeach had managed to send out a just-because that made my day (a Monday at that). I am inspired and so excited to do the same! Comment away my blogger friends and give me the chance to make your day.
(Photos courtesy of Purple Bottle)

"Pay it Forward Exchange:
Here are the rules: I agree to send something fun, cute and nice to 3 blog owners who post a comment on this entry. In turn, those three will post this information and pick 3 people they wan to send something to and so on. Unfortunately, due to postage costs, I can only pay it forward within the United States. If you are interested in participating, be one of the first 3 blog owners to leave a comment.
You have to promise that you will then post about this on your blog, link to me, and then send something to the first three people who comment on your blog so that this continues. When I have the first three to comment I will email a request for your shipping address and I will send out something that I hope will make you smile!"