Periwinklebloom would have to be one of the very first blogs I frequented. It is a breath of fresh air in the blogging world; beautiful, simple, and clean. Tyler has become one of the bloggers I consider a friend. We email on occasion; making little pacts to redecorate rooms together, to thank one another for comments left or just simply to say "hi." I have gotten a kick out of watching Tyler build her lovely line of clothing for some very lucky small ones. It is fully up and running and it is truly beautiful. The photos are exquisite (you know I like that), the only complaint I have is not being able to touch her creations through my screen. Her products are truly an earth friendly, natural way....taking "hand-me-down" to a beautiful place.
At the moment her focus has been placed on little girls, however, she assures me some soft little boy pieces will be finding their way into her shop soon. Thank goodness!
Oh...did I mention Tyler will be launching a line of letterpress paper goods? Stay tuned to watch this little company grow.